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Looking into the future, I plan to pursue environmental science in college. After leaving the Conserve School I knew I wanted to continue my education in the natural world. With this in mind I hope to inspire others to care for our earth and change themselves to ensure human’s lasting existence on this planet. The Anthropocene is a real issue that we have to fix before it’s too late. We have already caused some irreparable damage, such as the extinction of numerous species, but there are some things that we would still be able to fix. By the time I am of old age I hope that I will still be able to breath outside and have some remaining biodiversity. I hope to be able to look at the world and see a change that I helped encourage. If humans don’t stop to think about their actions soon, eventually the oceans will be too acidic to support life, the forests will be gone, and many more species will go extinct. My biggest worry is that our kind won’t change our ways before Earth is destroyed.


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