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Move 3: Are We Willing to Help?

Read Move 3 Here

My third move began by sending out a Google Form. This form contained different questions asking what the students and teachers of The Prarie School are willing to do to lessen their carbon footprint. What I found is that there are many people who are unwilling to take steps towards lessening their footprint if it interferes in their daily life. The first graph shows how many people would consider changing their shower length to five minutes or less. This was only 40% of the audience, and I bet some of them already do it. The issue is that if people said they would consider making this change, have they really done it? 


I hope that this survey inspired at least one or two people to make a change in their lives. These small changes that we must make are becoming more and more important as Earth becomes sicker with our pollution. 

Excerpt from Move 3:

"One of these blogs is called Zero Waste Home, written by a woman named Bea Johnson. She and her family of four began living the Zero Waste lifestyle in 2008 and have been ever since. In one year the whole family produces only one quart size jar of trash that will end up in a landfill. Everything else is either reused, recycled, or composted. And not only are they concerned with limiting trash, but also limiting their carbon output. This specific blog has tips on how to reduce waste in every part of the home: kitchen, bathroom, laundry, office, closet, gardening, and even tips for medications. Some of these tips are easy while others are aimed at the more dedicated. Some of the easier ones are using cloth napkins and cutting down on single use cleaning products such as wipes and Swiffer-type mops. Other tips include installing a greywater collecting system, repairing every piece of clothing before you donate or repurpose it, and only buying bulk in reusable containers."

No Impact Man is another blog created by Colin Beavan. He started this blog long before the release of his book and movie of the same title, but he continues his writing online. His description of what his book became, "the story of how I made transformative adjustments in my life and career in order to address myself to the things I cared about and to live in line with my values". 

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